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Although we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the information provided within the scope of this website (including related products), all users of this website should be aware that

1. this website does not warrant or imply the accuracy, completeness or currency of any such information and related products. Except for warranties required by applicable law and which cannot be excluded, limited or modified, all information is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind.

2. All information and related products provided on this website, regardless of their nature, should not be considered as advising, inducing or encouraging the public to buy or sell any financial products or any other financial instruments.

3. The user of this website acknowledges and agrees that any investment in financial products is subject to a degree of uncertainty, which is determined by the nature of such investments. This also means that any investment of this nature is subject to risk and the user is solely responsible for that risk. Investments in securities may decline in value, which may result in the loss of your entire investment.

4. Past performance of any financial product is not a guarantee of future performance and nothing herein shall be construed as stating or implying that past performance or trends are a guarantee of future performance.

5. The use of this website is conditional on the user's acknowledgement and agreement that he/she is solely responsible for whatever use he/she makes of the information and related products provided on this website, or whatever decisions he/she makes regarding the purchase or sale of financial products based on such information.

6. Users of this website should also be aware that this website never provides financial advice to individuals, nor does it assist or advise them in any way with respect to their financial situation. Any information provided by or on this website does not constitute investment advice for individuals, nor does it constitute any legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice. Users of this website are advised not to make any form of investment decision based on the information and related products on this website without first consulting a professional advisor who is familiar with your personal financial situation. Trading may not be suitable for certain users of this website.

7. In conclusion, all liability of any kind arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information and related products on this website, in particular in the cases described in Article 3 of this statement, is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Without limiting the foregoing, COMEX GROUP shall not be liable for any loss of income, revenue or profits, or any indirect, consequential, special or incidental damages, arising out of the use of this website and the information contained herein, nor shall it be liable for third party claims of any nature, even if this website has been advised of the possibility of such damages. COMEX GROUP reserves the right to increase spreads or margins at any time and to take steps to increase procedures or limit conditions as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

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